Thank you for the post! I recently listened to "Monkey", an older translation of "Journey to the West" into English. It was fascinating for me, and started me on a journey of working through some of the other Chinese classics. Thus far, I can see why they are on the list; I have been greatly enriched by exploring that literature.

Haven't tried the game yet, but it looks fun. :-)

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Aug 24Liked by Camellia Yang

This is all very uncanny and timely. I recently bought a hard-cover book (beautiful bound with a red ribbon and gold-edged pages): Chinese Myths & Folktales; a 1928 compendium of collected stories (Barnes & Noble). I wanted to learn more about Chinese culture and history. I have the book beside my pillow and read a short story every night, if I can and do not doze off :)

The stories are strange and weird (to Westerners) but I do love the unexpected narrative and point of view. Fascinating world! I also started watching the Chinese drama 24 episode Judge Dee's Mystery. I adore this fascinating series. The sub titles are displayed fast but its a great way to improve my Mandarin. So thanks for the Wu Kong and Journey To The West reference, more items on the ever expanding list to read !

Busy at the moment,so back to Chinese Ink painting! it is all about trusting your instincts, finding freedom within the rules, not sacrificing you creative identity and translating your experience into art -- and having good enjoyable time with occasional laughter !

You are highly motivated with Balaji ideas. 惊人的



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Aug 24Liked by Camellia Yang

Fascinating! I watched Sun Wukong as a child but never knew the name had significance. What does the “Sun” mean?

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Just a typical surname 😂

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