Oct 5Liked by Camellia Yang

Thank you for sharing. I'm so sad about not going due to finantial reasons, but I know it was the right thing. My country Peru is either about to become the next Totalitarian State or a Network State, it all falls on me. I hope I can show up next time the Network School forms but as a founder of the first Network State

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Oct 9Liked by Camellia Yang

Thank you. :)

You will laugh at what happened at my local library this week .

I saw the trolley with a pile of books returned by patrons. I noticed at the very top of the pile the book: Children Of Paradise by Camilla Grudova. Then I had an idea why not look for books with the author's first name Camilla ? HAHAHAHA

Surprised I found the following:

This Is Happy by Camilla Gibb

The Girl In the Woods by Camilla Lackberg

The Trouble With Moon Lighting by Camilla Trinchieri

I do not know these author's should I read these books ? But this will detract from my objective after speaking to the librarian.

My librarian who loves reading translated works from China, Korea and Japan suggested the following when I asked her for any good books to read. I too will adopt this very cool reading practice.

I started reading this very entertaining book: Aged 30, no kids, no husband , no real job and yet some how finds purpose and peace in her life within strict societal expectations that woman face. Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

others I will read are:

Heart Sutra by Yan Lianke

The Vegetarian by Han Kang

Mina's Matchbox by Yoko Ogawa.

Well that is it, time to bring a fold able deck chair, blanket, hand held binoculars and go to a tranquil park.

Nobody will be there as everybody is working; no young or old; kids running around with barking dogs, flying kites or red balloons; or teenage playing football.

To do some deep reading ..... and native bird watching on the lookout for the Rosella.

是时候进行数字排毒了,什么也不做 :)

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Thank you for this in-depth post. I was wondering where Balaji was going to set up, especially when he said an island near Singapore.... Interesting choice, but it makes sense to pick Forrest City; it's so under-valued and actually perfect as the launching pad for what could very well be the start of something big. It's technically in Malaysia, but it's brilliant actually because it's so close to Singapore and just an hour away from Changi Airport.

Couldn't make it this time round, but looking forward to joining sometime in 2025. Will you be updating more regularly here or in short clips (via socials)? Very interested in following along the next 3 months. It's pretty special for you guys being the inaugural pioneer batch!

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Yep, I mentioned in the end of this article. Feel free to follow my social accounts

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Yeah, I read that. I’m trying to declutter and be more curated in who and what I add to my list. And I want to follow along specifically for the content regarding the experience at Network School, so if you will be mostly posting here then I’ll stay subscribed here.

If you will be posting more (perhaps shorts) on a particular social media channel, I’ll follow there.

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Oct 5Liked by Camellia Yang


I can feel your initial butterflies. To go to an island for three months with strangers, as a single woman makes you incredibly brave and it has been a tremendous leap of faith on your part. You are indeed a tireless adventurer. How do you do it ? You must be a woman of the world !

Ideas in the Network school sound great; a sort of "NetworkTopia with Grand visions". The Network school and digital nomad life style may not be appeal to everyone though. Some prefer "Home-Sweet-Home", which very true after a long tiresome traveling. To have been away for while and to arrive back to where you were is an amazing feeling - like meeting a long lost friend, it fills your heart with happiness.

But I understand, to each their own however.

Thank you for your honest and sincere journal work it is very good.

I am reading a remarkable book by Matt Haig: The Life Impossible, I will not go to any spoilers, I could not put the book down and it is one of the best books I read the past 3 years !

Magic is everywhere and us usually we say it for something we do not understand yet !!!

Good luck with your intriguing studies.

溜溜溜 !

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Each week you have some new and interesting books to share. Brilliant!

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Oct 5Liked by Camellia Yang

Network School sounds like it's living up to the excitement!

What are they teaching you during this structured learning?

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Two lectures led either by Balaji or guest speakers. Anything related to Balaji's vision.

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Hai, yes, oui. Any chef positions open there?! 😃

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I ran out of moon cake when I is saw this -- some good vibe here - maybe tools/keys to the future, perhaps no need to attend the Network School.


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